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How to make changes to a Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar

This article describes how to make changes to a Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar that you downloaded, exported or subscribed to in a calendar app like Outlook, Google Calendar / Android, or Apple (iOS, iPhone, iPad or Mac). These instructions apply to personal events such as yahrzeits, Hebrew Birthdays, and Hebrew Anniversaries.

1. I have a Hebcal calendar feed subscription

If you used Hebcal to create your personal calendar after August 2020 and you subscribed using the recommended feed option, you can click on the URL at the bottom of a calendar event.

Visiting that link will take you back to the Yahrzeit and Anniversary calendar where you can make edits to each person’s name or dates. You can also use that link to add additional names and dates to the same calendar.

Please note: since you have previously subscribed to the Hebcal calendar via a 3rd party calendar app such as Apple, Google, or Microsoft Outlook, you do not need to resubscribe to the calendar feed. Any changes you make on the website will automatically be updated in the calendar feed and show up in your 3rd party calendar app, typically about 24 hours after the change is made on the site.

If you have a calendar feed, but you don’t see a URL at the bottom of the event description, then you either have a pre-August 2020 calendar feed (see topic 4 below) or you downloaded a copy of the calendar events (see topic 3 below).

2. I have a Hebcal annual email reminder subscription

If you subscribed to annual email reminders, you will find an “Edit Yahrzeit” link at the bottom of the annual reminder email message.

example email message including edit link

For a birthday, the link will be titled “Edit Hebrew Birthday.” For an anniversary, the link will be titled “Edit Hebrew Anniversary.”

3. I don’t have a separate calendar feed; I merged Hebcal anniversary events into my regular personal calendar

You may have downloaded yahrzeit/anniversary events and merged them into your regular personal calendar (often called “Home”, “Calendar”, “Events”, or sometimes your name).

To remove those events, search for the event(s) in your regular calendar and remove/delete them one at a time. These events will always have one of the following titles: “Yahrzeit”, “Hebrew Birthday” or “Hebrew Anniversary”.

Once you have removed the yahrzeit/anniversary calendar events, return to and re-enter in all of the event details, then download again.

4. I subscribed to a calendar feed before August 2020

If you subscribed to a Hebcal Yahrzeit + Anniversary calendar feed with 3rd party calendar app such as Apple, Google, or Microsoft Outlook before August 2020, you will need to delete or unsubscribe the calendar containing your yahrzeit and anniversary reminders.

Hebcal personal event calendars created before August 2020 do not support editing event dates or names. For these older calendar feeds, the only way to make changes is to delete the calendar feed and start over from scratch.

Directions for how to delete/remove a subscribed calendar vary by calendar application.

How do I know if I subscribed to a calendar feed before August 2020?

On iOS, open Calendar. Tap Calendars > the Info button ⓘ Subscription Details

In the “Subscribed To” section, you will see a URL that contains (see screenshot below)

If the URL begins with… or it begins with… then it is from before August 2020 and the calendar feed cannot be edited.

If the URL starts with… then it is from after August 2020 and should be editable.